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Type 9 - Contentment: The Peaceful Positivity of 9s

Megan Kerpan

When asked to associate her room with a word, Hannah chose “contentment.” She liked that the word conveys a sense of peaceful rather than boisterous happiness and how it connotes completion. Her choice of words aligns with her personality as a Nine, who values peace and alignment. To her, her space feels filled but not cluttered, and relaxed but uplifting.

When asked how her room may relate to being a Peacemaker, she described the division between her side of the room and her roommate’s side. Being averse to confrontation like most Nines, Hannah didn’t insist that they lay out the room this way. She said that she did not intentionally separate her stuff from that of her roommate but that it has worked out well because she enjoys having her own private space which makes sense in light of Nines’ love of peace and quiet. Though Peacemakers enjoy meaningful friendships, conflict tires them and they need time to think so their space tends to be important to them.

Hannah explained that she didn’t try to control how her room was arranged at all. Her easygoing nature is evident in how she let her parents arrange most of the furniture when she moved into her dorm and has left it that way ever since.

Hannah also cited her essential oils diffuser as something that may relate to her personality. She said that the diffusion of lemongrass and lavender scents helps her feel more relaxed, which aligns with Nine’s desire to “have inner stability and peace of mind” ( Despite being the most spiritually-oriented type, Nines are also very well grounded in the physical world which explains why Hannah greatly enjoys in simple things like the aforementioned scents, chocolate, and tea.

Hannah’s favorite parts of her room are her colorful bed and her wall of Disney paraphernalia. She reserves her bed for resting and therefore, usually does homework at her desk. On the rare occasions that she does do homework on her bed, she sits backwards, facing the pillows. She says that this allows her to separate work time from relaxation time which helps her sleep better. Her intentionality reflects not only Nines’ characteristic thoughtfulness but also their key motivation to create harmony in their environments and be comfortable.

One might be surprised by the fact that for a person whose key motivation is to achieve tranquility, Hannah’s room is filled with fun patterns and a multitude of colors. But this makes sense in light of Nines’ optimism. Though their quest for harmony may seem serious compared to other enneagram types’ desires, Nines are known for looking at the bright side of life. By surrounding herself with colors and decorations that bring her joy, Hannah prompts herself to find inner peace and enjoy the good parts of life.

Speaking of the good parts of life, Hannah has a special place in her heart for “the happiest place on earth.” She loves her Disney collection and describes it as “an eccentric collection of organized chaos.” She wishes that it was a bit neater but enjoys how personalized that part of her room feels. It takes her back to her childhood when she felt extreme peace and joy. Hannah’s love for this part of her room and Disney may relate to Nines’ natural optimism and love of creativity. As a writer herself, Hannah appreciates a well-formed story and as a Nine, immersing herself in them brings her joy.

One other interesting part of her room is the corner where she keeps her recycling box. Hannah tends to write on receipts, print in miniscule-sized font, and put every piece of used paper and plastic in her recycling box. She calls her recycling box “quirky” but the whimsy of her room aligns with her Nine-ish tendency to work for the good even in simple and small ways.

Hannah’s room points to her easygoing nature, positivity, and goodness.

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