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Type 1 - Boss and Bright: How A One’s Organization and Idealism Manifest in her Space

Megan Kerpan

Taylor, a One on the enneagram type describes her room as “neat” and “colorful.” The orderliness in her room is reflective of her desire “to be balanced” and productive so so that she can make an impact on the world ( Whenever her roommate tilts the notebooks on Taylor’s desk askew as a joke, this One notices and corrects everything within seconds.

Her preference for orderliness is so strong that she says “You can tell if I’m having a bad day if I don’t make my bed.” Because, as a One, she strives to improve everything around her, this type of apathetic behavior is rare and indicative of a problem with her wellbeing.

Taylor’s favorite part of her room is her desk which houses color-coded files, a whiteboard calendar, and pictures of her family. Being a typically fastidious and driven One, she constantly reorganizes her desk and updates her calendar. Though she has all of her assignments written in her planner, Taylor likes to write all of her appointments, assignment due dates, and friends’ birthdays on the whiteboard because it is easily-accessible. Instead of crossing out days and things that have been completed, she moves a magnet to each new day so that the board remains uncluttered.

Taylor’s least favorite part of her room is the messy corner of her closet (which, judging by the immaculate nature of the rest of her space, is probably more organized than most people’s). She admits to going through the closet contents every summer and “cleansing” it of stuff that she doesn’t need. The ease with which she throws stuff away and her habit of constantly improving her space aligns with Ones’ propensity to pursue beneficial change. Her attention to detail and focus on planning speaks to her desire as a One to meet her own high standards and make a difference in the world through hard work.

Taylor comes across as a level-headed and calm person so it is surprising that her favorite color is orange. She explains that she is drawn to it because it is “rare” and “cheerful.” Her preference for this unpopular color and the brightness of her bedspread make sense in light of the fact that Ones, despite their external coolness, are passionate people and when thriving, exhibit the spontaneity and of joy of Sevens. The tidiness and beauty of Taylor’s room proves that Ones are not only bright optimists but also boss world-changers.

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